Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Dovercourt Bay Training

The World Team asked for big seas and windy training so Matt White (team bosun) arranged just that at Dovercourt Bay!

Saturday morning saw winds gusting 30 knots.  With wind against tide the team was able to experience some challenging sailing conditions.  While everyone is now sailing in much appreciated borrowed boats some team members were hampered by gear failure early on.  World Team Coach Adam Bowers impressed upon the team the importance of checking boat and equipment when we get down under where sailing conditions are likely to put our boats under pressure

Conditions similar to those expected in Hobart enabled Adam to coach the team on working with big waves to maintain speed and performance, learning about 'Torque' along with a session on boat balance

Sunday brought even more wind and even bigger waves so the team had a days classroom training which while important was a bit frustrating for all!

Our thanks go to coach Adam Bowers, Giles White for his time and 'Plastic Chicken' (sic) rib support and for the welcome catering from the team at Shipwreck at Shotley Marina.